SEPTEMBERMeetings with the school staffand pupils to inform about the project. | OCTOBERSchool visitPOLAND |
NOVEMBERDecision on a folktale and translating itDecision of three touristic places | DECEMBERExchanging Christmas and New year cards. |
MARCHSPAINSchool visitFinding the differences and similarities about the folktalesPower point presentation of popular tourist attractions. Exchanging them. | APRILTaking photographs about spring holidays.Presenting the tourist attractions on the webpage Sharing the first results of the recycling campaign. |
MAYFinishing the folktale book and illustrationPower point presentation about recycling campaign | JUNEOpen day evaluation of progress.Information on the web presented to parents, Educational Officers and local councillors Exchange in school visitExchanging themPresenting the recycling campaign on the webpage TURKEY |
SEPTEMBERChoosing the national song,dances and food.Choosing the geographical features | OCTOBERVisiting the museums. |
NOVEMBERPreparing the recipes and photographs of the cooking process.Power point presentation of the visited museums.Exchanging them. | DECEMBERSharing Christmas and new year greetings.Presenting the visited museums on the webpage Power point presentation of the "air pollution and global warming campaign |
JANUARY | FEBRUARYCollecting and organizing our products and finishing the cookbook.Exhibition of the photographs, drawings and art crafts about the geographical feature. |
MARCHSchool visitITALY | APRILPutting all the power point presentationson a DVD. |
JUNEOpen day evaluation of progress. |